C (173/301)

From:Andrew Bell
Date:28 Aug 99 at 03:37:38
Subject:Re: ExecBase & 'RESET:starting PC' exception

From: Andrew Bell <andrew.ab2000@bigfoot.com>

Hi Gabriele,

On 27-Aug-99, you wrote:

>> That's not actually an exception.
> What is it then? (The tutorial which said that it was an exception
> is dev/asm/AmigaAsm.lha from Aminet) After reading all the answers I
> realise I've misunderstood everything...

I think you may be getting MC680x0 exceptions confused with C++
exceptions. How they work is similar, but they are very different from each other.

Regards, Andrew Bell.

email: mailto:andrew.ab2000@bigfoot.com or
web: http://www.homeusers.prestel.co.uk/ab2000
Waitresses DO IT for tips.